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Camouflage color (green) 4BO

The recipe was picked up in one of the sources (M-Hobby). I compared the definitions of colors given in the Dictionary of Russian published in 1941 with the contemporary dictionaries. The definitions of ochre and Zink kron varied from the current. The definition of 1941 is given under **.

* Content of the paint

** - The Dictionary of the Russian Language , Moscow,1941.

* -Instruction on painting of 1941.

* Ochre 40-60 % ** Ochre - yellowish mineral paint from the clay rich in the oxides or solvents of oxides of Ferrum.

* Zinc kron - 15-20 % ** Kron - yellow paint from lead salt of zinc acid.

* White (belila) - 10-20%

* Ultramarin - 8-13 %

The paint should be silk-matt as matt is too matt , as the reference put it.

According to results received by Cookie Sewell, .the lighter mix with 40% ochre gives a color which matches FS34226 (faded yellow green color). The thicker mix with 60% ochre comes out at FS34258.

The inquisitive minds can try out other combinations.

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